Al confine tra Svizzera e Germania, a pochi chilometri da Basilea, c'è un luogo meraviglioso per appassionati e non. Il suo nome è Vitra Design Museum ed è il paradiso per gli amanti dell'arredamento, dell'oggettistica e del design di interni. Bisogna andarci assolutamente la domenica mattina, perchè il bar al piano terra propone delle colazioni da far invidia ai brunch dell'Upper East Side di Gossip Girl: panini caldi, uova strapazzate, bacon, marmellate, yogurt, roast beef, succo d'arancia, cioccolata e cappuccino. Ovviamente meglio andarci tra amici e prendere più cose possibili per essere sicuri di assaggiare tutto. Consiglio i panini ai semi di zucca, per chi, come me, non riesce a mangiare tutto a colazione, sono davvero eccezionali.
On the border between Switzerland and Germany, not far from Basel, is a wonderful place for fans and not. His name is Vitra Design Museum and is a paradise for lovers of furniture, and of decorative interior design. We must absolutely go on a Sunday morning, because the ground-floor bar offers breakfasts that are the envy of the brunch on the Upper East Side of Gossip Girl: hot sandwiches, scrambled eggs, bacon, jam, yogurt, roast beef, orange juice, chocolate and cappuccino. Obviously better to go with friends and take as much as possible to make sure you taste everything. Council rolls with pumpkin seeds, for those who, like me, can not eat anything for breakfast, are truly exceptional.
On the border between Switzerland and Germany, not far from Basel, is a wonderful place for fans and not. His name is Vitra Design Museum and is a paradise for lovers of furniture, and of decorative interior design. We must absolutely go on a Sunday morning, because the ground-floor bar offers breakfasts that are the envy of the brunch on the Upper East Side of Gossip Girl: hot sandwiches, scrambled eggs, bacon, jam, yogurt, roast beef, orange juice, chocolate and cappuccino. Obviously better to go with friends and take as much as possible to make sure you taste everything. Council rolls with pumpkin seeds, for those who, like me, can not eat anything for breakfast, are truly exceptional.
Tutto è in vendita all'interno del museo: sedie, tavoli, piatti, bicchieri, viti e bulloni. Una mostra permanente di stile tedesco, una fantasmagorica Ikea versione deluxe, dove niente si monta o smonta, ma tutto si prova.
Alla reception viene fornita una card con cui puoi, attraverso postazioni multimediali, "sfogliare" gli oggetti in catalogo, confrontare i prezzi e fare i tuoi acquisti. Il resto è come una magia, design di altissimo livello, idee per l'arredamento, per la gestione dello spazio, colori e forme nuove, soluzioni per la casa e l'ufficio, la cucina e il relax.
Everything is for sale in the museum: chairs, tables, dishes, glasses, nuts and bolts. A permanent exhibition of German style, a phantasmagoric Ikea deluxe version, where removing or installing anything, but everything you try.
The reception is given a card with which you can, through multimedia workstations, "browse" the objects in the catalog, compare prices and make your purchases. The rest is like magic, design aesthetics, ideas for furniture, for the management of space, color and form new solutions for the home and office, kitchen and relax.
The reception is given a card with which you can, through multimedia workstations, "browse" the objects in the catalog, compare prices and make your purchases. The rest is like magic, design aesthetics, ideas for furniture, for the management of space, color and form new solutions for the home and office, kitchen and relax.
Among pantone chairs, ornaments, watches and computers are fascinated by this place created by professionals, specialists in the knowledge of materials, spaces and sizes for everyone. An environment to test and experiment, to live. In the end, like all travelers looking for an enthusiastic, I also wanted to leave a sign of my passage. For the precision of a small house for children, the ones that we all wanted in the small garden, chalk in hand I start work on a slate roof. But I could not just write my name, I had to do something more ..
Inauguro il mio blog con un consiglio di viaggio, una meta un po' alternativa ma di effetto e sicuramente divertente.
P.S. Al piano terra c'è un grazioso Shop per fare qualche regalino.
Inaugurate my blog with a travel tip, a goal some 'alternative but effective and definitely fun.
P.S. On the ground floor there is a nice little gift shop to name a few.
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