Mercoledì 6 Febbraio 2013
Cari UGG,
Ricordo ancora la prima volta che ci siamo incontrati..
E' stato amore, di quello a prima vista, di quello che non scordi più.
Ricordo il Natale 2008 e quello scatolone anonimo e pieno di polistirolo sotto l'albero, per nascondervi ai miei occhi. Sotto quella montagna bianca e scricchiolante, voi splendidi 'Classic short 5825 size W6'. Fantasticamente grigi. Fantasticamente miei.
Gli stivali più comodi mai creati al mondo, quelli originali, quelli che non si scoloriscono, non si piegano sul tallone, quelli che fanno caldo..sul serio.
Quante lezioni all'Università, quante giornate di lavoro, quante passeggiate in centro, in spiaggia, in collina, per negozi, nei centri commerciali, nei parchi, quanti viaggi, quante corse, quanti pomeriggi sul divano, quanti appuntamenti..
Scusatemi per quella volta che diluviava e vi siete totalmente inzuppati; per quando ho fatto il pupazzo di neve e ho fatto una fatica pazzesca a smacchiarvi; per quando il liquido delle mie lenti a contatto si è cristallizzato sulla vostra pelle e per quella volta che, mangiando la bruschetta, una goccia d'olio si è stampata su di voi. Scusate.
Ciò che preferisco di voi è la sensazione di essere perennemente in pantofole, in pigiama, al sicuro, al caldo.
Perchè io amo l'inverno solo se nevica, se sono in montagna a fare snowboard o se sono in casa davanti al camino con le castagne e la cioccolata in tazza.
Grazie per aver reso il gelido inverno sopportabile in ogni suo giorno.
Senza di voi non ce l'avrei mai fatta.
Con amore,
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Dear UGG,
I still remember the first time we met ..
It was love at first sight, that you don't forget it.
I remember Christmas 2008 and the anonymous box full of polystyrene under the Christmas tree, to hide my eyes. Under the White Mountain and creaky, you beautiful 'Classic short 5825 size W6'. Fantastically gray. Fantastically mine.
The most comfortable boots ever created in the world, the original ones, the ones that do not fade, do not bend the heel, those who make hot .. seriously.
How many lessons at the University, how many days of work, how many walking in the center, on the beach, in the hills, shops, malls, parks, how many trips, how many races, many afternoons on the couch, how many appointments ..
Sorry for that time raining and you are totally soaked, for when I made the snowman and I struggled to remove stains, for when the liquid of my contact lenses is crystallized on your skin and for that time, eating bruschetta, a drop of oil has been printed about you. I'm Sorry.
My favorite of you is the feeling of being constantly in slippers, pajamas, safe, warm.
Because I love the winter if it snows, if you are in the mountains snowboarding or if they are at home in front of the fireplace with chestnuts and hot chocolate.
Thank you for making the cold winter bearable in every day.
Without you I would not have ever made.
With love,
I still remember the first time we met ..
It was love at first sight, that you don't forget it.
I remember Christmas 2008 and the anonymous box full of polystyrene under the Christmas tree, to hide my eyes. Under the White Mountain and creaky, you beautiful 'Classic short 5825 size W6'. Fantastically gray. Fantastically mine.
The most comfortable boots ever created in the world, the original ones, the ones that do not fade, do not bend the heel, those who make hot .. seriously.
How many lessons at the University, how many days of work, how many walking in the center, on the beach, in the hills, shops, malls, parks, how many trips, how many races, many afternoons on the couch, how many appointments ..
Sorry for that time raining and you are totally soaked, for when I made the snowman and I struggled to remove stains, for when the liquid of my contact lenses is crystallized on your skin and for that time, eating bruschetta, a drop of oil has been printed about you. I'm Sorry.
My favorite of you is the feeling of being constantly in slippers, pajamas, safe, warm.
Because I love the winter if it snows, if you are in the mountains snowboarding or if they are at home in front of the fireplace with chestnuts and hot chocolate.
Thank you for making the cold winter bearable in every day.
Without you I would not have ever made.
With love,
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